Businesses and residents rally round Deal Foodbank
1st July 2019
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Deal businesses and residents are working hard to help the town’s Foodbank provide food and household basics to residents of Deal, Sandwich and surrounding villages.
Following a recent story in the Mercury about food shortages at the Foodbank, the staff at Nationwide got together and agreed to have a food collection bin in the branch in Deal High Street. There will also be a cake sale in the branch on Friday July 19 to raise funds for the Foodbank. Project Coordinator Sheila Ward said: “we are delighted to welcome support from local stores and businesses such as Nationwide and I hope residents will support this cake sale and make food donations in the collection bin in the store.”
Deal Foodbank recently ended its tenure as Sainsbury’s Charity of the Year for the 2nd year running and Deal residents helped the Foodbank raise £9,120.91.
“We are also regularly supported by other local businesses in Deal including Poundland, Miles and Barr, Co-Op Funeral and the Co-Op stores in Mill Hill and Sandwich,” Sheila added. Staff at Miles and Barr also recently collected food for Deal Foodbank.
There are also collection bins at many local churches, schools, Deal Town Hall and Tesco in Westwood Cross. All donations go to help vulnerable people in need in Deal, Sandwich and local villages. Items currently needed by the Foodbank are:
Tinned puddings, potatoes and vegetables
Tinned or packet custardRice pudding
Cleaning materials
Shower gel